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Paropkara is the Point of Life, According to the Vedas

The act or acts of selflessly helping others is known in the Vedic tradition as the Sanskrit term Paropkara. It is a beautiful word that explains the significance of why each one of us in a spiritual path should take up this attitude of giving, serving, sharing, and really living our life from this perspective of Paropkara.

We are not on this planet only to serve ourselves. We are not on this planet to merely move through separate lives, engaging only in what makes ups happy or fulfilled — but rather to consider the needs and desires of others on par with our own. The tree does not bear fruit only for itself for its celebration, but to serve others who eat fruit. The cow gives milk not only for its own child, but shares the milk with all beings — which is why, in India, she is revered as Divine Mother, as the Goddess herself.

In the Indian Vedic tradition, rivers don't just flow to quench their thirst, but quench the thirst of millions and billions of people across space and time. In the same way, this human body is really created by the Divine to serve others.

As a whole, the other creatures and beings in the universe exist in a delicate dance of give and take. All beings are in interconnected dependency and service to each other except for the human being, who becomes small, self-serving, and only generous or sharing with other human beings who only want to share with people who are biologically connected, connected by religion, or by some other reason.

But really, we are here on this planet for Paropkara. Being of selfless service is the completion of our spiritual journey, because it's the opposite of the ego. The ego does not want to give, does not want to share, and does not feel the pain and empathy of others. Practicing Paropkara is the sign of a seasoned spiritual traveler, because it means that person no longer sees themself as separate from the whole. Paropkara is extolled as a way of celebrating our common truth — a celebration of our interconnectedness, and a joyful act of being in service to others.


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